If you are one of those people who have bowel movements every day, you should not pay much attention to this topic. Whereas, if you have constipation problems, it is a recurring thought every day of your life.

Unfortunately, at least 2% of the population under 65 suffers from constipation and this percentage increases significantly when reaching this age.

The good news is that you can fix all of this by changing certain daily eating habits that will eventually lead to a more fulfilling life. In fact, what we put into our body has a great influence on the good performance of our colon.

As I point out in the Art of Healing Getting Started Guide, gut health is an equation made up of three variables, Water + Fiber + Exercise.

On several occasions I have stressed the importance of drinking at least 2 liters of water a day, one of them half an hour before getting up to help eliminate waste in the intestine, to hydrate ourselves and in this way start the day on the right foot.

How many times a day do you go to the bathroom?


- 1 time a day

You have to give it a rinse


     1 time a day

Well done


2-3 times a day

A happy colon




+ 3 times a day

It is a colon stellar


Try to add foods with enough fiber to each meal of the day, enough to sweep the intestine

At least once a day will allow you to be just about safe in terms of intestinal motility. In any case, try to add more foods with fiber to reach two!

Congratulations! You've reached your healthy number. You're probably consuming enough fiber or getting enough exercise and fluids to help you move.

Exercising more than 3 times indicates excellent health. Be sure to monitor consistency and favor quality over quantity.

In addition to the healthy habit of drinking water, there are some foods that facilitate healthy bowel movements. Here are some of them and how they benefit our body apart from water and physical movement.

  1. Kefir : This is an ideal probiotic, but only if we do not have a proliferation of yeast in our colon or candidiasis. Kefir has a yogurt-like texture and helps maintain intestinal health, allowing for smooth and rapid motility as it increases the moisture of the fecal mucosa.
  2. Prunes are champions in the area of ​​intestinal regularity, which is why they are often used as laxatives because they contain fiber and sorbitol (a natural laxative). In addition, prunes help lower cholesterol.
  3. Spinach is a low-calorie vegetable and thanks to its fiber, vitamin C and beta carotene content, it helps protect the colon and facilitate intestinal transit.
  4. Kiwis should be considered as one of the most important foods when it comes to improving bowel movements. An experiment where people ate 3 kiwis a day resulted in an increase of 82% to 97% in bowel movements when consumed 3 times a day.
  5. Pitahaya is a natural laxative recommended by many health specialists as it contains abundant fiber, especially in its seeds. In addition, it provides a sufficient amount of water that stimulates bowel movement. It is important, in any case, to monitor the ideal amount to comply with this process since, for some people, just a little can cause diarrhea.
  6. Papaya, if you don't have sugar problems, can help you soften your stool and increase the number of times you go to the bathroom. The fantastic thing about papaya is that it not only helps improve intestinal transit, regulate menstruation, and improve your skin. Thanks to papain, it helps you digest protein better.
  7. Flax seeds are rich in mucilage or soluble fibers that are released when they come into contact with water, making their consistency thicker. Therefore, the best way to take advantage of the digestive power of these seeds is to soak them in water or juice for a while (some recommend overnight, others an hour, but the mixture has already thickened after 20 minutes) and drink it. The mixture will help significantly improve bowel movements.
  8. Pineapple, like prunes, is a natural laxative that helps improve bowel regularity. It also contains particularly useful enzymes that aid in the digestion of protein.
  9. Although yacon is a natural remedy against diabetes, it is also used to treat constipation as it contains inulin, a natural prebiotic that helps regulate intestinal transit. Be careful because it is quite a laxative and excessive consumption can cause diarrhea.
  10. The artichoke, thanks to its high content of mucilage and inulin, is one of the ideal vegetables to prevent and/or combat constipation. An infusion can be prepared to relieve flatulence and bloating and stimulate intestinal muscles.

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1 comment

Excelentes recomendaciones! Las voy a probar y te contaré si funcionaron para mí!

Maria del Pilar

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