The benefits of lime essential oil
The Unknown Benefits of Lime Essential Oil
Many people probably knew the lemon as a source of vitamin C and indeed, English explorers took it with them to prevent scurvy. It is said that ship captains forced their sailors to eat the whole lemon including the peel and, in fact, most of its essential oil and vitamin C are found in it.
On the other hand, dehydrated lemons have been used to preserve food, retain flavour and prevent any pathogens before refrigeration. So lemons were dried, then crushed and sprinkled on meat. They were also used in the preparation of pickled foods and as part of natural insecticides, but these were their uses before having the possibility of distilling them and obtaining the essential oil from this fruit and many other plants and flowers.
Like other citrus essential oils (lemon, grapefruit, mandarin and wild orange), lime essential oil has important health benefits that help combat various symptoms, from preventing tooth decay, reducing accumulated fat to calming anxiety and achieving restful sleep.
Learn here the benefits of lime essential oil that you didn't know about and how to use it to get the most out of it.
Invigorating. It helps lift your spirits, gives you energy, and allows you to concentrate better. Both lime oil and other citrus fruits have the benefit of relieving feelings of anxiety, hopelessness, and fear. It has been shown to have an effect on brain chemistry that helps eliminate both the symptoms and the cause of depression.
Stress reduction . Studies have shown that lime essential oil helps reduce stressful transitions as well as muscle spasms. Although orange oil has been found to contain the highest levels of the terpene d-limonene, lime is a good alternative as it protects against stress at the cellular and physical level.
Antimicrobial effects . Lime oil has three antimicrobial properties: against bacteria, fungi and parasites. Tooth decay is caused by a specific group of oral bacteria that are difficult to control, even with good prophylactic practices. The best anti-cavity mixture so far tested has been found to be a solution of garlic and lime juice.
Mouthwash Recipe
1 cup distilled water, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon carrier oil (fractionated coconut oil not regular coconut, avocado or sweet almond oil), 1 teaspoon alcohol-free witch hazel extract, 10 drops essential oil (can be lime, lemon, grapefruit, clove, orange, peppermint, cinnamon, clove, chamomile, wintergreen), 1 glass jar to store the mouthwash
- In a small glass, mix the essential oil and carrier oil, witch hazel extract and baking soda.
- Fill the glass with distilled water.
- Swish the preparation around your mouth for 10-15 seconds and rinse.
- Yields multiple applications.
- Store the rest of the mouthwash in a jar with a lid.
Immune protection . Lemon is an excellent ally to strengthen your immune system during cold and flu season. Don't hesitate to add lemon essential oil to your personal hygiene products such as liquid soaps (hopefully biodegradable) and lotions, as well as to your toiletries. It is ideal to add lemon oil to bathroom cleaners as it protects the immune system and fights many pathogens.
There are already studies that demonstrate the powerful antibacterial capacity of lime and other citrus essential oils. For its part, lime effectively fights staphylococci and enterococci, as well as E.Coli, salmonella, citrobacter, serratia, shigella, klebsiella, pneumoniae and pseudomonas aeruginosa. As for fungi, candida and aspergillus. As for anaerobic bacteria, bacteroides, clostridium and porphyromonas.
Fight inflammation and the diseases that come from it . Inflammation is a necessary aspect of healing and the body needs an inflammatory reaction when it starts to heal, but chronic inflammation is another thing and can be the origin of other conditions such as:
- Asthma - Atherosclerosis - Some cancers - Crohn's disease - Active hepatitis - Rheumatoid arthritis - Chronic peptic ulcer - Periodontitis - Sinusitis - Tuberculosis - Ulcerative colitis
Citrus essential oils such as lime have been shown to be safe and effective anti-inflammatory agents in experiments (with mice so far). These oils appear to act directly at the cellular level.
If you or someone you love suffers from an inflammatory disease, you can contribute to their relief and well-being by putting a few drops of oils in a diffuser to be inhaled, in an atomizer, or on a pad.
Antioxidant with anti-aging benefits . Lime essential oil helps prevent and treat some signs of aging such as spots, wrinkles, dryness and lack of skin elasticity. The high levels of antioxidants present in lime essential oil also help improve memory. And while no essential oil can turn back time, the monoterpene limonene present in citrus essential oils like lime are the best sources of antioxidants that can be safely and continuously accessed. So feel free to add a few drops of citrus essential oil to your face or body cream, as well as other personal hygiene products.
More benefits against other health problems
Anti-cancer . Lemon oil has been shown to be a good adjuvant in fighting cancer cells in general. Lemon juice has been shown to specifically attack pancreatic cancer cells in vitro. Components present in lemon oil have been shown to destroy breast cancer cells.
Fatty liver disease . Scientific research confirms that limonene present in lemon essential oil and other citrus fruits alleviates this condition. In fact, limonene decreases insulin resistance and liver damage caused by the stress of an unhealthy diet.
Alzheimer's disease . It is a devastating diagnosis as the patient's personality gradually deteriorates. For Alzheimer's patients, they provide promising treatment alternatives. Lime oil helps by inhibiting cholinesterase, an enzyme responsible for the damage caused to the brain's neurotransmitters; and also by providing high levels of antioxidants.
Heart disease . Citrus consumption, including lime, is believed to have a direct effect on the incidence of heart disease. Studies are still lacking to corroborate the protective effects on heart muscle, but as a preventative practice, try to include citrus in your life, whether through an essential oil diffuser, or by using fresh fruit in your preparations or adding it to your daily drinking water.
Gallstones . Limonene, present in lemon essential oil is responsible for an impressive 48% success rate when used to dissolve gallstones (study). Other experiments have seen partial dissolution of the stones. Although gallstones are not considered as serious a condition as heart disease or cancer, they are quite painful and where the stones do rupture they can become quite dangerous. In some European countries peppermint essential oil is used to treat this condition and surgery is rarely performed to remove them. In the experiment mentioned above, the oil was injected directly so it is not a topical application but the results are encouraging.
Precautions to take into account with citrus fruits and skin
- Although lime essential oil excels in all its applications to health, personal and household hygiene, and food preparations, there is a belief that photosensitivity occurs after applying citrus oils to the skin. It is true that pressed citrus oils cause susceptibility to sunburn even hours after application. If this is your case, these products should be diluted well, used at night and rinsed off in the morning, or completely avoid sun exposure.
However, citrus essential oils obtained by distillation or vaporization DO NOT cause sensitivity to ultraviolet light.
- The only caution really is if you have cats. Cats do not have an enzyme called glucuronyl transferase which is important for cytochrome p450 metabolism in the liver. This makes cats susceptible to all kinds of toxicity including plants, medications like aspirin or ibuprofen, chocolate, caffeine (methylxanthines), lead, zinc, many pesticides and more. If the oils are therapeutic grade A, they are so pure that they can be used topically sporadically and very diluted. It is not a good idea to use them directly or to ingest them every day (with some exceptions).
Some cats are hypersensitive to essential oils, especially citrus oils such as lime oil, but also those with a high content of phenols and eugenols (basil, cinnamon, clove, fennel, melaleuca, oregano, mint, thyme and gauteria).
However, they can be used in a water-based diffuser and not one that emits the oil directly. Do not use the diffuser near your cats' food and do not enclose them in the room where the diffuser is being used. The message is not to apply essential oils directly to your kitty topically or internally (ingestion) on a daily basis (with the exception of some oils). Dilute them well and only use therapeutic grade A essential oils.
How to purchase your therapeutic essential oils to obtain the mentioned benefits
Click here to enter the shopping cart Currently, several Latin American countries already have access to these oils. DoTerra oils can be used in the ways mentioned above: in the diffuser for inhalation, topically and internally (ingestion, although not all).
If you wish to purchase Lime essential oil and others, you can do so through this link https://www.mydoterra.com/johannakoelle1/#/
Remember that therapeutic grade A essential oils are oils that have been obtained through the distillation process. Large amounts of the plant are required to obtain a small amount through this process and that is why the prices of some oils are very high, but you should know that just one drop of oil contains up to 20 times the potency of the plant, fruit, bark, or flower alone.
Register as a wholesale customer
This is a very good alternative if you already know the immense benefits of essential oils.
By signing up as a wholesale customer you get the oils at wholesale prices, that is, with a 25% discount on all products!
You can choose between receiving 10-30% on your total purchase to accumulate points that you can eventually redeem for the products you buy.
You are eligible (based on order amount) to receive the product of the month absolutely FREE. You are not obligated to place monthly orders, only when you need it.
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Buy lime oil directly
You can purchase your green lemon oil by contacting me directly by phone or WhatsApp 3107809755
Or by writing to johannakoelle@protonmail.ch