Cómo producir células madre en su cuerpo de forma natural

How to Produce Stem Cells in Your Body Naturally

Stem cells are the fundamental components of the human body. These cells can self-renew, but also differentiate, that is, change their morphology from one cell type to another, usually a more specialized type, and reproduce any tissue, such as cardiac, muscular, cartilage, bone or liver tissue.

Newborns have a large number of circulating stem cells that are necessary for development and can help them recover quickly from infectious diseases and injuries.

As we age, the amounts of circulating stem cells in the body begin to decrease each year, gradually making healing and recovery more difficult as we age.

Over the past 50 years, special stem cells have been used to treat various diseases that did not improve with normal medications. These stem cells are obtained from the umbilical cord and peripheral blood. Today, they are successfully used to treat diseases such as liver damage, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, healing the heart after a heart attack, muscle diseases, as well as to treat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and respiratory conditions such as COPD. ( article )


What about brain cells? Can humans produce new neural stem cells?

According to an article in the medical journal of Rutgers University, NJ, USA, in recent years, scientists have discovered something very interesting about our brains. It turns out that even as adults, we can produce new brain cells. These special stem cells are called neural stem cells. They can renew themselves and create new neurons, as well as other cells that help keep our brains healthy. This discovery has led to a lot of exciting research in the field of adult neurogenesis.

Furthermore, a receptor that was first identified as necessary for insulin action, and which is also located on neural stem cells deep in the brains of mice, is critical for brain stem cell longevity.

 The specific protein known as insulin receptor (INSR), which is abundant in neural stem cells and resides in the subventricular zone of the brain, plays a crucial role in sustaining and maintaining a population of specialized brain cancer cells known as glioblastoma stem cells (GBM).

When INSR was inactivated in GBM stem cells, the growth of these primitive tumor-forming cells was inhibited.

Study author Steven Levison, a professor of neuroscience in the Department of Pharmacology, Physiology and Neuroscience at Rutgers University in NJ, USA, says that

"It is important to understand the molecular mechanisms that are critical for the growth and sustainment of brain stem cells in normal and abnormal growth states."

According to Teresa Wood, a professor at the same school and who directs research at the Cancer Institute of New Jersey, “many neurodegenerative disorders, such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, are related to the destruction of brain cells.  "If the way brain stem cells function could be influenced, this knowledge could be used to replace diseased or dead brain cells with living ones, which would be a breakthrough in the treatment of neurological diseases and brain injuries."

Cell receptors, such as the INSR, are protein molecules that reside on the surface of cells. Substances, natural or man-made, that open the "lock" of a receptor can prompt a cell to divide, differentiate, or die. By identifying which receptors perform these functions in specific cell types and understanding their structures and functions, scientists can design substances that act like keys to receptors, turning them "on" or "off."

Previous studies by this research team had shown that a particular “key,” the signaling protein known as insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF-II), was necessary to maintain neural stem cells in the two sites in the adult brain that house these primitive cells. In the current experiment, the scientists sought to identify the receptor. To do so, they used genetic tools that allowed them to both remove the INSR and introduce a fluorescent protein so they could track neural stem cells and the cells they generate. They found that the number of neural stem cells in the subventricular zone of the brains of mice lacking the INSR had been reduced.

The connection between INS-R insulin receptor deactivation and neural stem cell production

The insulin receptor INSR is a protein whose dysfunction has effects on diabetes mellitus, Alzheimer's and cancer.  It has recently been discovered that deactivating the INSR inhibits the growth of tumor-forming cells, but also promotes the formation of new neural stem cells.  So, could eating a diet that controls insulin production, or even fasting, also contribute to the above-mentioned effects?

There are studies that suggest that controlling insulin production through diet and the practice of intermittent fasting can have beneficial effects both in regulating blood sugar (especially in cases of diabetes) and in preventing or treating certain diseases, such as cancer or Alzheimer's. However, it is important to note that each person is unique, and results may vary. It is essential to consult with a health professional, such as a doctor or dietician, before making significant changes to your diet or starting fasting, especially if you have a health condition.


And what about neural stem cells? Could they also benefit from these practices?

There is limited evidence regarding the impact of diet and fasting on the formation of new neural stem cells. Some studies have suggested that intermittent fasting may promote brain regeneration and plasticity, which could include the generation of new neural stem cells. However, more research is needed to fully understand the effects and implications of these practices on neural stem cell generation. Again, it is important to consult with a health care professional for specific and safe recommendations in this regard.


How to increase stem cell release naturally

Nowadays, there are specialized places where you can receive stem cell transplants, but this can be expensive. What if you are a healthy person and would like to use stem cells as a preventative measure, but don't want to undergo a transplant? Well, you can take advantage of your own natural stem cells! The stem cell institute in Thailand proposes six ways to do it. Find out how to improve your health naturally!

1) Clean diet full of stem cell nutrients

Food is medicine, and our diet plays an important role in our body's natural regeneration cycles. Incorporating stem cell-friendly foods into your diet is a vital first step in stimulating natural cell growth.

Intermittent fasting is considered a stem cell activator and has been found to trigger rapid cell regeneration. Berries like blackberries, goji berries, pomegranate, blueberries, and raspberries help enhance the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD), which is a potent antioxidant. This enzyme is packed with inflammation-reducing flavonoids and is great for reducing oxidative stress resulting from such inflammation which is a vital factor in supporting optimal liver health and helps prevent joint pain.

Cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, kale, Chinese cabbage, garden cress, and Brussels sprouts are some of the best foods for stem cell growth. These vegetables are packed with sulforaphane, a compound that stimulates enzymes in the liver, which counteract harmful toxins we may digest or inhale. These leafy greens are also packed with indole-3-carbinol molecules that help reduce inflammatory agents in the bloodstream.

Mushrooms like maitake and shiitake are also rich in micronutrients known as polyphenols. These nutrients are stem cell boosters and can be important ingredients in a primarily plant-based diet. Shiitake mushrooms help protect and detoxify liver cells from dangerous toxins that can break down the body's hormones.

Seeds and nuts like macadamia, pecans and walnuts are great snacks packed with protein and beneficial fats that keep you feeling fuller for longer and help fight any cravings. Seeds like flaxseed, chia and hemp contain anti-inflammatory plant sterols, while walnuts are packed with alpha-linolenic acid, a type of omega-3 fat that fights inflammation.

Seafood and fatty fish are other powerful, natural activators of adult stem cells, as they contain several omega-3 fatty acids, including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). EPA is most commonly found in cold-water fatty fish such as tuna, salmon, mackerel, and herring. Numerous studies have shown that fish oil is a powerful antioxidant that helps reduce the risk of developing heart disease.


2) Quit smoking and reduce alcohol consumption

Alcohol and cigarette smoking can have serious negative effects on the proper function of stem cells. Research over several decades has shown that people who smoke do not heal as well as non-smokers. Frequent alcohol consumption leads to liver disease and brain oxidative stress due to chronic neuroinflammation.


3) An active lifestyle, as well as exercise, are stem cell activators

Regular exercise or going to the gym has dozens of positive effects on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Strenuous physical activities cause a rapid increase in the total number of circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs). EPCs circulate in the bloodstream and adhere to endothelial tissues affected by ischemia or hypoxia. They also contribute to the formation of new blood vessels and capillaries, thus improving the blood supply to the heart. This cycle helps trigger regenerative processes in the endomyocardial heart muscle.


4) Sleep well: how and how much is required to renew circulating stem cells

Research from the Stem Cell Institute in Thailand has shown that lack of sleep or insomnia is very detrimental to the function of stem cells in the body. A reduction of nighttime sleep to 4 hours (instead of 8) decreases the migration capacity of stem cells by almost 50%, while proper sleep cycles of 7-8 hours do the opposite and renew the quantitative and qualitative indices of circulating stem cells.


5) Toxic products and environmental chemicals can reduce stem cell activation in the body

In our daily lives, we are exposed to many chemicals that can be harmful to our health. These chemicals are found in the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the products we use in our personal routine. Although the amounts of these chemicals are small, their constant and cumulative exposure can affect our body in the long term. They can also disrupt important processes in our immune system, hormone production, and nervous system function, putting our health at risk and increasing the chances of developing diseases such as lupus or fibromyalgia.

We can't always control everything around us, but we can make informed decisions about the products we buy and use. Before purchasing products like sunscreen, cleaners, detergents, and personal care products, it's important to read labels and do research. That way, we can make sure we're choosing products that are safer for our health.


6) Avoid harmful and toxic medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Many over-the-counter and prescription drugs impede the ability of circulating stem cells to host and multiply. Antibiotics such as quinolones not only damage circulating stem cells, but also cells in cartilage and tendons. These potent bacterial antibiotics are often prescribed for urinary and respiratory tract infections.

Fluoroquinolones have many side effects and have been linked to orthopedic hip injuries and tendon tears in the knee. The body's ligaments have their own specific types of stem cells, so some drugs that damage those cells cause those tendons to weaken or fail.

Over the long term, these medications can lead to tears, degenerative disc disease, or chronic tendinopathy. Over-the-counter medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can also increase your risk of autoimmune disease, kidney failure, neuropathy, gastrointestinal problems (Crohn's disease, UC, IBD), or stroke. Instead of turning to synthetic NSAIDs like Aleve, ibuprofen, Motrin, or Celebrex, try natural anti-inflammatories like turmeric curcumin or fish oil, which don't come with as many adverse side effects.

The stem cell field is constantly advancing and knowing the right way to keep our stem cells healthy is critical to our long-term well-being. Instead of relying entirely on outside therapies, we can take natural steps to improve the health of our own stem cells.

Imagine having the power to strengthen your own stem cell system and optimize your health. These six natural ways can help you achieve this. By choosing this approach, you are taking a bold step to enhance your body's functions, efficiency, and overall well-being. You are in control of your health and we can harness the wonder that is our own body to achieve the best possible results!

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