
Uno de sus poderes ocultos:  su cuerpo sabe dónde está todo

One of his hidden powers: his body knows where ...

Proprioception, often referred to as "body awareness," is the sense that allows an individual to perceive the position, movement, and force of their body parts in space without relying on...

One of his hidden powers: his body knows where ...

Proprioception, often referred to as "body awareness," is the sense that allows an individual to perceive the position, movement, and force of their body parts in space without relying on...

5 adaptógenos con la doble función de incrementar su capacidad cognitiva y su desempeño atlético

5 Adaptogens With the Dual Function of Boosting...

Adaptogens are natural substances that help the body adapt to stress, promoting mental and physical performance; it's like your body will use them for whatever it needs. For example, certain...

5 Adaptogens With the Dual Function of Boosting...

Adaptogens are natural substances that help the body adapt to stress, promoting mental and physical performance; it's like your body will use them for whatever it needs. For example, certain...

Perder grasa localizada, ¿mito o realidad?

Losing localized fat, myth or reality?

  Localized fat refers to long-term stored fat deposits in specific parts of your body, such as your waist, lower abdomen, and outer thighs. Before we look at how to...

Losing localized fat, myth or reality?

  Localized fat refers to long-term stored fat deposits in specific parts of your body, such as your waist, lower abdomen, and outer thighs. Before we look at how to...

Ejercicios para aliviar artritis e inducir un descanso reparador

Evening Exercises to Relieve Arthritis Stiffnes...

Evening exercises and relaxation

Evening Exercises to Relieve Arthritis Stiffnes...

Evening exercises and relaxation

¿Cuántos carbohidratos consumir al día según la distribución por MACROS?

How many carbohydrates should you consume per d...

When your diet focuses on consuming your foods (proteins, carbohydrates and fats) in the right amounts and proportions, taking into account your personal characteristics and with a specific purpose, whether...

How many carbohydrates should you consume per d...

When your diet focuses on consuming your foods (proteins, carbohydrates and fats) in the right amounts and proportions, taking into account your personal characteristics and with a specific purpose, whether...

Cuánta grasa consumir cuando se enfoca en los MACROS

How Much Fat to Eat When Focusing on MACROS

  The advantage of a focused diet, that is, when you determine what your goal is, whether it is to lose weight, lose accumulated fat, gain muscle mass, etc., is...

How Much Fat to Eat When Focusing on MACROS

  The advantage of a focused diet, that is, when you determine what your goal is, whether it is to lose weight, lose accumulated fat, gain muscle mass, etc., is...