Avocado Bruschetta
(low carb) Nutritional values: Calories: 237 per serving (1/2 avocado) Total Carbs: 12.1g; Fiber: 7.5g; Net Carbs: 4.6g; Protein: 2.7g; Fat: 21.6g. Original recipe by Lauren Lester. Ingredients (for two...
Avocado Bruschetta
(low carb) Nutritional values: Calories: 237 per serving (1/2 avocado) Total Carbs: 12.1g; Fiber: 7.5g; Net Carbs: 4.6g; Protein: 2.7g; Fat: 21.6g. Original recipe by Lauren Lester. Ingredients (for two...

Spinach salad with prunes
Ingredients A few leaves of baby spinach Carrot or alfalfa sprouts A tablespoon of sunflower or pignolia seeds 2 or 3 sliced prunes or pineapple pieces Dressing: Coconut amino acids...
Spinach salad with prunes
Ingredients A few leaves of baby spinach Carrot or alfalfa sprouts A tablespoon of sunflower or pignolia seeds 2 or 3 sliced prunes or pineapple pieces Dressing: Coconut amino acids...