Inventor Thomas Edison once said, “The doctor of the future will not prescribe drugs, but will advise the patient to take care of himself through his diet, and in the cause as well as prevention of disease.” That prediction is still a long way off from being fully realized in today’s world, but we are on the way.
Kale or curly cabbage
Factory of vitamins A, C, and K. It is a cruciferous vegetable that does not allow cancer to take hold in the body and numerous studies have shown its detoxifying power. In addition, it helps heart health and inhibits the formation of cancer cells. Kale is a wild form of cabbage that acts as an anti-inflammatory, protecting the body from harmful bacteria and viruses.
- Antioxidant
- Its preventive benefits are linked to its unusual concentration of two types of antioxidants: carotenoids and flavonoids. Among the carotenoids we have already seen lutein, but there is also b-carotene. On the flavonoid side, there are the flavonols Kaempferol, quercetin and isorhamnetin.
- Kale has been shown to have the ability to increase blood levels thanks to its carotenoids that protect the body from oxidative stress and related problems such as cataracts, glaucoma, atherosclerosis and obstructive pulmonary disease.
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Just 100 calories per serving of kale provide 350 mg of ALA (Alpha Linoleic Acid), which is an excellent anti-inflammatory. Its vitamin K and C content also contribute to reducing the risk of chronic inflammation.
- Cancer prevention. This is possible thanks to the glucosinolates present in kale.
- Strengthens the body's detoxifying processes
- Cardiovascular reinforcement
- As it has an anti-inflammatory effect, it is easier for the body to keep the circulatory pathways decongested.
Rich in water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins, minerals and a wide variety of phytonutrients, especially if consumed raw, which is what is promoted here. It contains B vitamins and also A, C, E and K; as well as trace minerals such as copper and magnesium, among others. It is an antioxidant food that does not allow cholesterol to oxidize in the blood vessels, thus improving circulation and heart health.
- Anti-inflammatory booster
- Possible regulator of hunger and satiety due to its chlorophyll and thylakoid content, it seems to regulate hunger, satiety and also blood sugar levels.
- Brain protection as potassium, folate and other antioxidants help increase blood flow to the brain, increasing cognition, concentration and neuronal activity.
- It reduces eye diseases, as it is rich in beta-carotene, lutein and xanthene, therefore, when consumed, it helps those with vitamin A deficiency.
It is technically a super healing herb that contains at least 15 essential vitamins and minerals. In addition to other compounds in greater quantities than any other vegetable. For example, watercress contains more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach and more vitamin C than an orange. In addition, it contains a series of phytonutrients and antioxidants that is why it is called a “gold” food.
- Modern science has identified more than 15 essential vitamins and minerals in watercress: more iron than spinach, more calcium than milk, and more vitamin C than oranges.
- The most outstanding nutrient in watercress is vitamin K. It helps form and strengthen bones.
- Its vitamin C has an anti-infection power that stops flu and colds; it keeps connective tissue healthy and prevents iron deficiency.
- Its vitamin A, in the form of retinol, is essential for the immune system and produces pigments in the retina of the eye, which, if lacking, could lead to night blindness.
- Manganese and calcium present in watercress help maintain strong bones and teeth.
- Flavonoids and antioxidants such as B-carotene, zealandrine and lutein protect against lung and mouth cancer.
- Its B complex includes Riboflavin, Niacin, B6, Thiamine and Pantothenic Acid that promote the metabolic functions of cells for better performance.
- It has been found that consuming watercress frequently reduces DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) damage in blood cells and helps make them more resistant to damage caused by free radicals. (http://alimentassaludables.mercol.com/berros.html/)
- According to studies, daily consumption of watercress may reduce blood triglyceride levels (10%) while increasing (33%-100%) the improvement of eye diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration (http://medicalnewstoday.com/articles/63314.php.watercress:anti-cancersuperfood;jan2013 )
- Watercress consumption may help suppress the growth of breast cancer cells. When tumors develop, their blood supply is soon overwhelmed, so signals are sent to neighboring normal tissues to grow new veins toward the tumor to feed it with blood and nutrients. The compound PEITC (phenethyl isothiocyanate) in watercress prompts the body to stop this process. (http://: sciencedaily.com/realeases/2010/09/100914115240.htm , Watercress May “turnOff” Breast cancer Signal. Jan2013
It is a chelating herb known for its ability to draw out heavy metals and remove them from the body.
Parsley has been described as having a “chemoprotective” activity because it can neutralize some specific forms of carcinogens (such as benzopyrenes that are part of cigarette smoke and charcoal from grills and wood stoves.
In addition to promoting optimal health, parsley is
- Rich source of antioxidant nutrients, thanks to its flavonoids, especially luteolin; vitamin C and vitamin A (b-carotene).
- Cardiovascular health. Good source of folic acid, which participates in the process of converting homocysteine into benign molecules.
- Strengthens bones and helps prevent Alzheimer's. Due to its high vitamin K content, it strengthens bones while helping to limit neuronal damage in the brain.
- It helps digestion due to its high fiber content. Parsley tea is traditionally used as a remedy for colic, indigestion and gas.
Chard - Chinese chard or Bok choy
In studies done on vegetables, chard stands out because it strengthens 3 body systems associated with the development of cancer and its prevention. One of them is the
Body detoxifying system.
The detoxification process of the human body involves two phases:
In phase 1, potentially toxic compounds are activated to become more reactive. This phase requires a significant antioxidant effort and chard contains phenols, polyphenols and other conventional antioxidant nutrients such as vitamins C and E.
In phase two of detoxification, the activated compounds attach to specific nutrients, making them water-soluble and able to be eliminated from the body. This is where chard's detoxifying contribution is unique: chard provides unique sulfur compounds called glucosinolates.
Glucosinolates can be converted into other similar compounds called Isotocyanates or ITC, which have been shown to be able to modify enzymatic activity in phase two of detoxification to make it successful.
- Antioxidants: In addition to the nutrients mentioned above, Swiss chard contains caffeic acid, ferulic acid, quercetin and kaempferol. This broad spectrum of antioxidant support helps reduce the risk of oxidative stress in cells, which is a risk factor for the development of cancer.
- Anti-inflammatory: The fact that it contains vitamin K and Omega-3 fatty acids makes chard an anti-inflammatory super nutrient. Vitamin K regulates the body's inflammatory reaction and Omega-3 builds molecules with an anti-inflammatory message.
- Cardiovascular reinforcement: Helps prevent and even reverse damage to blood vessels.
Digestive Support: With over 7 grams of fiber per cup, Swiss chard is great for digestive health. But sulforaphane, made from glucosinolate present in Swiss chard, also helps protect the stomach lining by preventing Helicobacter Pylori bacterial overgrowth in the stomach or too much bacteria adhering to the stomach walls.
Like spinach and other leafy greens, chard contains significant amounts of oxalates. In people with kidney problems, foods containing high levels of oxalates may complicate their condition. These people should limit their consumption of these vegetables or rotate them in their diets.
Celery is an important source of antioxidant nutrients such as vitamin C, beta carotene and manganese.
- Control diabetic symptoms
- Promotes cardiovascular health
- Relieves migraines and asthma
- Prevents cancer
- Improves immune system
- Helps reduce hypertension and cholesterol
- Prevents urinary tract infections in women
- Helps reduce inflammation and joint pain
Based on studies involving changes in nutrients in stored foods, it is recommended that refrigerated celery be consumed within 5-7 days of purchase. Many studies show a large loss of phenols after this time. Also, based on the change in flavonoid content, it is recommended to cut celery before serving it for consumption (rather than cutting it the night before or leaving it cut in the refrigerator for several days). This will allow the celery to preserve its maximum nutritional potential.
Fennel strain
It is a very low-calorie vegetable. A 100-gram vine has only 31 calories, but contains generous amounts of fiber (3.1 gr/100), little fat and zero cholesterol.
- The high content of antioxidants in fennel protects the body from degenerative diseases.
- The oils contained in fennel (especially its seeds) facilitate the absorption of nutrients in the stomach.
- It has anti-inflammatory properties thanks to anethole, while helping to prevent the onset of cancer.
- It has diuretic properties, is useful against fluid retention and as a digestive treatment, and combats gas and flatulence. The folates in fennel are involved in the production of red and white blood cells, in the synthesis of genetic material and the formation of antibodies in the immune system.
- The potassium it contains is useful for the transmission and generation of nerve impulses and for normal muscle activity. It participates in the water balance inside and outside the cell. It helps reduce blood pressure and heart rate by counteracting the effects of sodium. Fennel also contains small amounts of minerals such as Copper, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium and Zinc.
Cucumbers contain lariciresinol, pinoresinol and seicosolariciresinol, three powerful polyphenols called lignans that help reduce the risk of heart disease and several types of cancer such as breast, uterine, ovarian and prostate cancer.
- Cucumber contains a flavonol called fisetin that helps maintain brain health by improving memory and protecting nerve cells from the progressive deterioration of memory and learning (studies conducted on mice with Alzheimer's so far. Mercola).
- Thanks to phytonutrients called cucurbitacins, scientists have determined that different signaling pathways (JAK-STAT and MAPK) required for the development and survival of cancer cells can be blocked by cucurbitacins. ( whfoods.com)
- As an antioxidant, cucumber helps inhibit the activity of pro-inflammatory enzymes such as Cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) and prevent the overproduction of Nitric Oxide in situations where it could increase the possibility of excessive inflammation.
- In the digestive tract, lignans are absorbed by the bacteria present there and converted into enterolignans such as enterodiol and enterolactone. Enterolignans can bind to estrogen receptors where they can have both pro- and anti-estrogenic effects. A reduction in the incidence of estrogen-related cancers such as breast, ovarian, uterine and prostate cancers has also been detected with the consumption of lignans from plant-based diets such as cucumber. ( whfoods.com)
Aloe vera or Aloe
Its powerful antioxidants and phytonutrients such as vitamin A, C and E, choline, folic acid, B1, B2, B12 and B3; minerals such as selenium, chromium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, copper, calcium and zinc, can inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in the body and fight free radicals.
Aloe vera contains plant sterols, which are valuable fatty acids in themselves. These include kaempferol and B-sitosterol; linoleic, linolenic, myristic, caprylic, oleic, palmitic and stearic acids.
It turns out that the human body needs about 22 amino acids to structure proteins, as aloe contains between 18 and 20 of them, of which 8 are considered essential for human health.
Benefits of aloe vera:
- Reduces dental plaque and bacterial plaque
- Aids digestion thanks to the aloin compound babaloin
- Reduces sugar levels
- Helps detoxify the body
- Strengthens the immune system thanks to its polysaccharides
- Helps optimize cholesterol through the function of Beta-sitosterol
- Improves skin quality by increasing collagen production and reducing wrinkles
To enjoy aloe in an extract or juice, mix a few teaspoons of the gel (not the peel) with the other ingredients and process.
Yellow or green lemon
Both green and yellow lemons contain a unique compound of flavonoids whose properties include alkaline and anti-carcinogenic properties. Of particular interest are the flavonol glycosides and many molecules associated with Kaempferol. Although these flavonoids have been found to stop the division of many cancer cells, they are best known for their antibiotic effects. This was found in West African villages where there were cholera epidemics and simply adding lime juice to the main meal of the day prevented the spread of the disease. ( www.whfoods.com)
While some studies suggest that high doses of vitamin C promote osteoarthritis, a type of degenerative arthritis that results from age, others indicate that foods rich in vitamin C such as green and yellow lemons provide the human body with protection against inflammatory polioarthritis, a type of rheumatoid arthritis that involves 2 or more joints.
Lemons and the alkalinity of the body
Although lemon has an acidic taste, once ingested, its minerals dissociate and its effect is alkalizing.
The body becomes acidic due to an unbalanced diet full of inflammatory foods, persistent negative subconscious thoughts, negative emotions, and in general, the use and abuse of human bodily functions. (http://www.vitalitylink.com/article-holistic-health-2055-lemon-juice-acidic-alkaline-body-water)
- Helps reduce low-density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol
- Helps reduce phlegm that congests the lungs and sinuses; or phlegm expressed externally as pus (acne, boils, herpes).
- It helps to intervene in adipose and cellulite tissue in the process of weight loss, especially if drunk with a little water on an empty stomach.
- Helps reduce “fatty” liver.
- It causes a slight irritation to the body fluid to prevent abnormal discharges (night sweats, spontaneous day sweats, seminal dripping, urinary incontinence and bedwetting).
- Helps maintain healthy mouth and teeth.
- Reduces the craving for sweets, pastries and gluten-containing products.
- Detoxifies and alkalizes acidic conditions in many diseases that plague people today (Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Degenerative Arthritis, Type II Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Obesity, Gout, Multiple Sclerosis, Digestive Disorders, Cancer, Allergies, Chronic Fatigue).
- Nourishes and relaxes tense connective tissue, ligaments and tendons.
- Keeps skin bright and healthy.
- Strengthens the immune system.