Conozca los súper alimentos

Get to know the super foods

In recent times, the market and especially health food stores have been colonized by exotic products that invite us to nutritional innovation. They are products from different parts of the world that claim to revolutionize health.

They are already starting to appear among the ingredients of health-promoting products and well, if you are interested in this healthy trend, you will like to know what they are and what their benefits are.

Spirulina , Chlorella , Moringa, Turmeric , Açaí , Lucuma , Goji , Chia seeds

Ten years ago, these words sounded mispronounced or foreign, but today, they are synonyms for health; let's see what they are and what benefits they bring to us.


This nutrient-rich algae is actually a cyanobacteria that contains a good amount of health-promoting properties.

It is high in plant protein and is a good source of antioxidants, B vitamins and other nutrients. When harvested properly from unpolluted ponds and bodies of water, it is one of the most potent nutritional sources available.

Its high concentration of protein and iron makes it suitable for consumption during pregnancy (ask your doctor first), or after surgery, any time the body needs to be stimulated.

It is especially recommended for vegetarians due to its natural protein and amino acid content.


  1. Nutritional density

Compared to other foods gram for gram, it is considered a great source of:

  • Protein, as its quality and quantity of protein per gram is often compared to that of eggs. Spirulina protein has a usable rate of 50-61%.
  • Vitamin B 1 or thiamine is needed for the digestion of fats and proteins. It is often consumed to increase energy, eye health, brain function and improve nerve function.
  • Even for meat eaters, spirulina is a form of iron that is highly absorbable and gentle on the digestive system.
  • It has a high level of this mineral since it contains more than 26 times more calcium than milk.

Other vitamins and minerals present are Vitamins B 6 , E, Potassium and Vitamin B 12 , although some suggest that the latter is not absorbed by the body.

  1. Contains gamma linoleic acid and Omega 3
  2. It can help balance blood sugar.
  3. Antioxidant
  4. Against allergies as it reduces inflammation, nasal congestion, itching and sneezing (typical allergy symptoms)
  5. It helps remove heavy metals as it contains enough chlorophyll to energize the immune system. Combined with zinc, it is said to reduce arsenic toxicity by 50%.
  6. Increases fat burning during exercise, as well as physical endurance and decreases muscle damage caused by exercise


Ask your doctor before using this superfood. People taking blood thinning medications or pregnant people. Those with autoimmune diseases may not benefit from it.


Like spirulina, it is a freshwater algae with several benefits. It is one of the oldest species on the planet and has the ability to reproduce 8 times a day, making it a sustainable nutritional source.

It is one of the most widely used supplements in Japan, where the largest amount of this algae is actually produced.

Contents per three tablespoons:

Protein 16 grams

Vitamin A, Vitamin B 2 , B 3 , Iron, Magnesium, Zinc.

Although the nutritional content is true, it is very expensive to consume this algae every day, especially if certain bibliographies say that chlorella is densely more nutritious than broccoli or kale, it is actually better to consume more of these and other vegetables than the expensive chlorella.

However, there are two specific benefits that may lead you to make use of this supplement.

  • Detoxification. It has the ability to bind to heavy and undesirable metals within the body. It has been recommended especially for people who have undergone chemotherapy or radiation as it is said to help the liver by unclogging detoxifying channels without removing beneficial minerals from the body.

In this sense, healthy people take it in small quantities so that heavy metals do not accumulate in the body.

  • Immune support. It is used to strengthen the body's defenses, help with digestive problems, increase beneficial bacteria in the intestinal flora and against ulcers.
  • It is said, but I have no studies to prove it, that it helps reduce hypertension and cholesterol; it helps increase physical energy, reduce asthma attacks, premenstrual syndrome and fibromyalgia.

Precautions : Because it contains moderate levels of Iodine, people who suffer from thyroid iodine conditions or iodine allergies should avoid it. Likewise, those with autoimmune diseases should consult a doctor before use.

Due to its high vitamin K content, it will increase coagulation, so those taking anticoagulants should consult a doctor.

Since it is a good source of iron, it should be used in moderation by men and postmenopausal women.


Increasingly, moringa is gaining fame for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, tissue-protecting properties, and more.

Originally from Pakistan and Nepal, it has been used for generations to prevent diabetes, anemia, arthritis, damage to the liver, heart, respiratory system, digestive system and skin.

Used as a traditional remedy for many ailments, here are some proven benefits of this food:

  1. Contains significant amounts of vitamin A, C and E; calcium, potassium and vegetable protein.
  2. Fights free radicals, molecules that cause oxidative stress, cell damage and inflammation, thanks to flavonoids, polyphenols and ascorbic acid present in leaves, flowers and seeds
  3. It helps reduce some symptoms of diabetes such as lipid and glucose levels, as well as regulate oxidative stress levels in these patients.
  4. Enhances brain function thanks to its high content of vitamin E and C that combat oxidation and neuronal degeneration. Normalizes neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine.
  5. It contains antibacterial properties that allow it to fight infections, mainly in the urinary tract, digestive system and skin.
  6. It improves the speed of healing as it has coagulant properties.


It is a plant from the Zingiberaceae family, similar to ginger. It is used as a spice and colouring in the cuisine of south-east Asia, where it originates.


It is part of the remedies used by Ayurveda medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, especially when combined with black pepper, since it has powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, liver and kidney protection and anti-cancer properties, but there is more.

  1. Anti-allergic properties. It inhibits the release of histamines in mast cells that cause eczema flare-ups. Likewise, those who suffer from asthma because histamine increases inflammation and tightens muscles.
  2. For the skin. Ayurvedic and other doctors use it for acne and psoriasis problems.
  3. According to a study published in the Arthritis and Rheumatism journal in November 2006, the three curcuminoids present in the root help improve this condition.
  4. Against H. Pylori. This is a bacteria that can cause peptic ulcers and even stomach cancer. Although a test was done in test tubes, turmeric managed to eradicate the bacteria.
  5. Prevents and even reverses cardiac hypertrophy (study conducted on animals)
  6. Fight ulcerative colitis
  7. Improve eye health


Acai berries are one of the healthiest berries you can add to your diet. Native to the Amazon rainforest, they have earned their place as a superfood thanks to their healing, immune-boosting and energizing powers. Several studies reveal that they can help suppress and even repair oxidative damage.


  1. Promotes heart health. Rich in anthocyanins, an antioxidant that balances cholesterol. Thanks to its sterols, it helps improve circulation, blood composition and relaxes blood vessels.
  2. Fights harmful organisms such as viruses and bacteria
  3. It helps you lose weight and, according to some studies, it helps you reduce fat deposits in the body.
  4. Promotes skin health, thanks to its high antioxidant content
  5. It helps digestion due to its detoxifying capacity and source of natural fiber.
  6. Reduces irritation in the lungs associated with lung disease and swelling
  7. Improves cellular health by making them strong against the invasion of free radicals
  8. It activates the immune system thanks to its polyphenolic compounds that obstruct cellular mutation, attacking affected cells before they multiply.
  9. Anti-aging effects as one berry has 10 times more antioxidants than grapes and twice as many as blueberries
  10. Increases energy and vigor, helps fight fatigue


Lucuma is a yellow-fleshed fruit from Peru that is often consumed in juices, milkshakes and ice creams. Outside of Peru, however, it is sold in powder form that can be added to smoothies and healthy desserts.

High content of Beta-carotene, iron, vitamin B 3 Niacin, Vitamin C and fiber.


  1. Low glycemic index sweetener. Helps stabilize blood sugar and control appetite.
  2. Anti-inflammatory and anti-aging. Rutgers University detected these effects on wound healing and aging skin.
  3. It strengthens the immune system and has antibiotic and anti-microbial properties.

Goji berries

These dried berries are purported to energize the immune system and brain activity, protect the heart, fight cancer and improve quality of life.

High content of vitamin C, B 2 , vitamin A, iron, selenium, and other antioxidants (especially polysaccharides)


  1. It is said to improve the immune system, cardiovascular system and life expectancy, however, there are no sufficiently concrete studies to corroborate this.
  2. Improves brain function and digestion. Here too, the studies have been small so it cannot be proven in depth.
  3. Prevents cancer. Studies in China conducted on 79 patients concluded that those treated with immunotherapy in combination with Goji polysaccharides saw a regression in their cancers.

Chia seeds

They have become one of the most popular foods among health enthusiasts. Easy to digest when prepared properly and a versatile ingredient to add to recipes.

It is said that Aztec warriors ate these seeds to gain energy and endurance. Chia means “strength” in the Mayan language and chia is known as the food of long-distance runners in battle.

Content per 28 grams:

137 calories

4.4 grams of protein

8.6 grams of fat

12.3 grams of carbohydrates

Nutrients such as manganese, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, copper and potassium. Also alpha-linolenic and linoleic fatty acids; mucin, strontium, vitamins A, B, E and D; minerals such as sulfur, iron, magnesium, manganese, niacin and thiamine.


  1. Skin and anti-aging. Thanks to its antioxidant richness that helps prevent skin damage from free radicals
  2. Digestive health. With almost 11 grams of fiber per 28 grams, one serving can provide the required dose for the day.
  3. Heart health. Reverses inflammation, regulates cholesterol, lowers blood pressure. Reverses oxidative damage, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis. All thanks to its high linoleic acid content.
  4. It helps treat diabetes. According to studies conducted by the University of the Coast of Argentina, they found the following:
  • During the study, chia seed intake prevented the development of dyslipidemia and insulin resistance, and even more than that, it reversed diabetes and dyslipidemia and reduced visceral adipose tissue. ( 1 ) The source is in English.
  1. Increases energy and metabolism
  2. It strengthens bones thanks to the calcium it contains, but not only that, it also contains other minerals such as boron that helps metabolize calcium, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus that help strengthen bones and muscles.
  3. It helps fight cervical and breast cancer due to alpha lipoic acid, which is an Omega 3 fatty acid.
  4. Dental health due to its components of calcium, zinc, phosphorus and vitamin A. Zinc especially prevents tartar as it does not allow plaque to mineralize on the teeth and has an antibacterial effect that keeps germs away.( 2)

Caution : It is best to add chia seeds little by little to the diet since if the body is not used to them, it can create stomach discomfort due to its high fiber content.

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