The fats we should and should not consume in our diet
Why are we experiencing a food earthquake these days? Why is the diet that was once normal now being questioned, evaluated and often discarded?
The answer has several components, including that we have become a predominantly sedentary society. We are part of an overpopulation that requires industrialized production (in large quantities) of food and whose crops are grown with chemicals and fertilizers on soils that must withstand frequent and repeated planting and harvesting of the same product.
As a result, the food we obtain is devoid of the natural nutrients that the earth produces at a rate different from that of population demand. The result is products packed with preservatives, chemicals and artificially enriched foods for a virtually inactive population.
For these reasons, we are living in a time when we must rethink how we eat, especially taking into account the lifestyle we lead. That is, if we are people who spend the day sitting at a desk; or if we are moderately active working in an office, but we dedicate some time to sports activities; or if we are active people who carry out daily physical activities outdoors, for example.
In other times, the amount of fat, flour or meat in the diet would not have been so important, especially if the person who consumed them got up to farm or herd cattle in the mountains all day.
That said, you will understand that today the macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and fats) that we consume are of particular importance, both in quantity and quality, considering that our daily activity rate is minimal and that we must consider ourselves as a sedentary society.
What we should know about the fatty acids we consume
Because in the past food was not industrialized, humanity could maintain a moderate balance between the Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids consumed in its diet. Previously, the ratio between these two types of fat was 1:1. Today, the ratio is approximately 15:1, or more. ( Study )
With a balanced consumption of fatty acids, each omega provides its benefits:
Omega 3 - anti-inflammatory that reduces the risk of heart disease and reduces blood triglyceride levels.
Omega 6 – associated with a lower risk of diseases such as heart disease, stroke and cancer.
Omega 7 – Reduces inflammation in the body, lowers triglyceride levels and bad cholesterol or LDL (low-density lipoprotein)
Omega 9 – Known for its benefits to the brain, heart and general well-being.
However, due to the industrialization of crops and the industrial production of oils from heavily processed nuts and seeds, vegetable oils have a high omega-6 content which makes them highly unstable and inflammatory, promoting reactive oxygen species in the body.
According to nutritionists at the Mayo Clinic in the United States, the idea is not to eliminate Omega-6 fatty acids but to increase consumption of Omega-3. The problem is that there are many products on the market that contain Omega-6 and a higher omega-6/3 ratio alone, regardless of differences in dietary content, would contribute to poor health or worsen a disease. ( Study )
Let's find out which seeds, nuts and, consequently, oils have a high Omega-6 content and which are the exceptions.
Safflower oil, sunflower seeds and oil, corn oil, soybean oil, canola, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, peanut butter, almonds and cashew nuts.
In this sense, and as an exception, the fats to use in your food preparations would be found in olive oil, ghee, coconut oil, macadamia oil, extra virgin avocado oil, and surprisingly, sesame oil. Let's see why.
The Omega 6 and Omega 3 in extra virgin olive oil play a fundamental role in the proper functioning of the human body. In fact, EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) contains essential fatty acids linolenic (Omega 3) and linoleic (Omega 6) in a good proportion of Omega 6: Omega 3, i.e. 8:1.
This ratio is important because an excess of Omega 6 reduces the benefits of Omega 3. In other words, the Omega 3 from extra virgin olive oil and the Omega 6 fatty acids are well balanced.
Some people believe that this balance makes EVOO suitable for cooking, but I'm not so sure because according to my own experiments, the only fats that can withstand higher temperatures on the stove are coconut oil and ghee.
In addition to having a low Omega 6:Omega 3 ratio, EVOO is also low in saturated fats. And being an extra-virgin organic oil, it does not contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
Ghee is made up of short, medium and long chain fatty acids, both unsaturated and saturated. Ghee contains essential fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 9 along with vitamins A, D, E and K. A good quality ghee should be made from organic butter from grass-fed cows which makes it one of the highest natural sources of CLA (conjugated linoleic acid). Ghee contains 9 phenolic antioxidants and numerous minerals.
Coconut oil is another amazing oil and is actually a natural source of MCTs or medium chain triglycerides. It is mostly saturated fat (it contains only a very small amount of omega-6 (180 mg and no omega-3s), making it great for heart health, normalizing cholesterol levels, immune support, thyroid function support, and anti-bacterial/viral properties. Additionally, coconut oil contains the long chain fats (LCF) needed to help the body absorb essential fat-soluble vitamins.
However, due to its medium carbon chain, it should not be cooked at a high temperature, but rather at medium heat so that it maintains its integrity.
Extra-virgin, cold-pressed avocado oil is a great addition to your diet, but keep in mind that the oil you get should have a deep green hue and its flavor is quite strong. If you get a clear or yellowish oil, it means that it has gone through a refining process that has removed all its properties.
Macadamia oil is also an exception. Its mild flavor makes it a good alternative for baked goods or as a base for vinaigrettes and sauces.
A prudent consumption of macadamia nut oil can contribute to heart health. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), monounsaturated fats can lower bad cholesterol levels, which in turn can reduce a person's risk of having a heart attack or stroke.
Macadamia oil is also rich in oleic acid, an unsaturated fatty acid that has antioxidant properties. Likewise, its high content of tocotrienols (vitamin E) can contribute to protection against cancer and a variety of other health conditions, including cardiovascular and neurological diseases.
Olive, avocado, macadamia and coconut oils are characterized by having much less omega-6 fat and much more monounsaturated fat.
The other unexpected exception
Sesame oil is the sixth exception, and it actually contains a decent amount of the Omega-6 fat, linoleic acid. About 40% of sesame fat is linoleic acid, which is less than industrial vegetable oils like soybean and corn (55-60%), but not by much. So what makes sesame special?
Sesame oil is stabilized by what would be known as a trifecta
According to Dr Nicholas Norwitz, a ketogenic and metabolic specialist at the University of Oxford, “The omega-6 fats in sesame are protected by powerful natural antioxidants called sesamin and sesamolin. What’s more, when sesamolin is heated, it is thermally converted into an even more powerful antioxidant called sesamol.”
Sesame oil can inhibit the generation of inflammatory molecules
Omega-6, linoleic acid, can be converted into inflammatory compounds. One of the proteins important in this conversion is an enzyme called delta-5-desaturase. ( Study )
Sesamin from sesame oil can inhibit this enzyme and thus block the production of certain inflammatory molecules. ( Study ) At the same time, it leaves omega-3 and anti-inflammatory fat metabolism intact. ( Study )
This information suggests that sesame may tip the balance of Omega-6 and Omega-3 metabolism toward an overall anti-inflammatory balance.
It should be added that the studies mentioned were carried out on laboratory rats, but due to their similarities to the human organism, they are considered valid.
Which oil is used for what?
For cooking at high temperatures, ghee is undoubtedly the most stable fatty acid that will also enhance the flavor of your food.
Other preparations that are cooked over medium heat can benefit from coconut, olive, macadamia and sesame oil.
For sauces and dressings, cold-pressed organic olive and avocado oils, due to their intense flavour, add character to the preparation without altering the composition and nutrients that these two oils provide.
How much fat should you consume per day?
Depending on the dietary protocol you are following:
Remember that 1 gram of fat is equivalent to 9 calories , while 1 gram of protein or 1 gram of carbohydrate is equivalent to 4 calories.
If you eat a typical 2000-2500 calorie per day diet for a man and follow a low carb, high protein diet , 20-30% of those calories would be from fat. That is, about 400 calories divided by 9 would result in 44 grams of fat per day.
If you are following a ketogenic protocol, 70% of your diet should be made up of healthy fat. But consuming the equivalent calories, that is 1400 calories divided by 9, would result in 155 grams of healthy fat per day.
If you follow a high-carb (45-65%), low-protein (35-25%) and very low-fat (20-10%) protocol based on a 2000 calorie diet, 400 calories would correspond to fat consumption, which would result in between 40-45 grams of this macronutrient.
These calculations are for a person consuming 2000-2500 calories per day. You can do your own calculation if it corresponds to 1500 calories (which is what a woman would normally consume to maintain a balanced weight). 3000-5000 calories, if you are an athlete or have a significant level of physical activity.
Example for a person who consumes 1500 calories a day
High protein (60-70%), medium fat (25-30%) and very low carbohydrate (15-10%) diet = fat intake would be 375 calories, divided by 9 = +-40 grams of fat per day .
On a ketogenic protocol where 65-70% of your 1500 calories come from 1000 calories or 115 grams of healthy fat.
And in a diet that favors high carbohydrate consumption (45-60%), low protein (30-35%), and very low fat (10-20%); of its 1500 calories, 300 calories or 33 grams of fat would correspond to its daily consumption.