Nuts and seeds awake
In nature, all seeds, grains and nuts are in a kind of storage state that prepares the future plant that will grow, germinate and produce fruit with the nutrients stored there.
This form of storage, which refers to raw seeds, nuts and grains, is not the most nutritionally friendly for the human stomach, since they are relatively complex forms that contain macronutrients such as lipids, proteins and sugars that are, let's say, "dormant" and that is their way of storing these nutrients for many years.
Let's imagine that seeds, grains and nuts are stored under lock and key and that the simple act of soaking them will wake them up, opening the key that we would call the enzyme disinhibitor and that previously, because it was "lock and key", prevented seeds, nuts and grains from germinating and growing.
Enzymes are then released and begin to break down macronutrients such as lipids, proteins and sugars into micronutrients such as fatty acids, proteins and carbohydrates that the body can absorb better. In other words, the stomach will skip the step of breaking down macronutrients in the body since they are already pre-digested.
- We have already mentioned above that when soaking seeds, grains and nuts, their enzymes perform the pre-digestion work and save the human stomach this step.
- Soaking will release phytic acid, which is normally an enzyme inhibitor since it binds to the molecules of certain minerals such as calcium and magnesium. For this reason, people with deficiencies in these minerals are usually not advised to consume nuts unless they have been “activated” or “awakened.” The presence of phytic acid in foods promotes demineralization in those who consume them. Let’s think about whole grain breads, made from whole grains and promoted by the market as “healthy.” Fortunately, several manufacturers of whole grain breads are already choosing to soak seeds and grains first, before using them in their preparations.
- Germination is an interesting pre-digestion process, moreover, because it causes new micronutrients to appear from those already present in the nut, grain or seed. That is, if almonds contain vitamin B 1, B 2 ; suddenly, spontaneously, B 3 and B 5 appear, to give an example.
Nut or seed |
Soaking time |
Germination time |
Almonds |
12 hours |
12 hours + |
Brazil nut |
No need |
No need |
Cashew nut |
2-3 hours |
Does not germinate |
Walnut |
8 hours |
Does not germinate |
Pecan Nut |
4-8 hours |
Does not germinate |
Pumpkin Nut |
12 hours |
1-2 days |
Hazelnut |
12 hours |
Pistachios |
No need |
Does not germinate |
Macadamia Nut |
No need |
Does not germinate |
Pignolia |
No need |
Does not germinate |
Sunflower Seed |
7-8 hours |
3 days |
Flax seeds |
No need |
8 hours |
Hemp seeds |
No need |
Does not germinate |
Sesame seeds |
8 hours |
2 days |
Quinoa seeds |
2 hours |
1-2 days |
Mung Bean |
24 hours |
2-5 days |
Adzuki |
8 hours |
3-5 days |
Fenugreek |
8 hours |
Does not germinate |
Alfalfa |
8 hours |
2-5 days |
- Soak for the time indicated in the table above (in plenty of water and should be done with raw nuts, not toasted; or with seeds for germination).
- Change the water two or three times during the soaking period.
- Rinse well and drain.
There are three ways in which these activated fruits can be consumed:
- Only soaked without water, they can last for about three days to be consumed.
- In prepared milks, also with a freshness of around 3 days.
- Dehydrated for around 12 hours at a low temperature (between 50ºC and 63ºC) and can be stored in a glass jar and consumed within three months, more or less.