Perder grasa localizada, ¿mito o realidad?

Losing localized fat, myth or reality?


Localized fat refers to long-term stored fat deposits in specific parts of your body, such as your waist, lower abdomen, and outer thighs.

Before we look at how to get rid of it, and even more so, in a specific part, it is crucial to understand that a certain percentage of body fat is essential for the proper functioning of the body. Healthy levels of body fat are not only vital for energy balance and organ protection, but also to support healthy aging.

In my article on “The Science Behind Losing Belly Fat,” we explored how the mobilization of fatty acids from adipose tissue into mitochondria is a complex process where hormones such as cortisol, insulin, and adrenaline, as well as B3 adrenergic receptors, play a crucial role. What is equally important is to recognize that adequate body fat is critical for hormonal and metabolic functions, which significantly affect the aging process. In fact, an adequate level of fat can act as an anti-aging tool by maintaining tissue and organ health.

Although fat accumulates throughout the body, concentration in specific areas such as the waist, abdomen, and hips can alter the desired body shape and lead to health risks such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and hypertension. However, it is important to balance the quest for a toned physique with the need to maintain sufficient body fat to ensure that our bodies function properly at any age. Having a suboptimal fat percentage can accelerate cellular aging due to the decrease in energy reserves and metabolic support provided to the organs.

So it is vital to have accurate, evidence-based information on effective and healthy methods to manage body fat.

Unfortunately, many people fall into the trap of products that promise quick results for fat loss, especially abdominal fat. These products flood the market with an avalanche of advertising that promise miracles without scientific basis, misleading people with unrealistic expectations.


Wrong techniques and misleading products for losing fat

Among the unsustainable methods and products that are marketed, the following stand out:


  1. Dangerous Supplements : Offered as magic bullets, some supplements can have harmful effects. One example is Ma Huang, or ephedra, a traditional Chinese herb that contains ephedrine, a compound related to adrenaline that can increase heart rate and blood pressure. Because of these risks, it has been banned in many places. Products with high concentrations of caffeine, such as those containing guarana or yerba mate, as well as diuretics, can offer quick results in the form of water loss, but not so much fat loss. People with caffeine sensitivity, especially, should pay attention.


  1. Girdles and slimming belts : These devices are sold with the promise of reducing sizes in the abdominal area by "absorbing fat." The reality is that they only temporarily compress the body, giving the illusion of size reduction and, in some cases, making breathing and gastrointestinal function difficult, leading to problems such as reflux. While they may seem harmless for short-term use, the idea that they will strengthen muscles or help you lose fat is completely unfounded in science.


  1. Slimming creams: A slimming cream is not the salvation to lose abdominal fat and much less to depend on it to achieve what you have not been able to do with a healthy diet (low in sugars and other carbohydrates), physical activity and adequate rest.


  1. Electrostimulation: This is a therapy designed for muscle recovery and physical therapy. If you are considering using an Electrostimulation (EMS) device to help you lose weight, be aware that there is little evidence linking this technology to weight loss benefits, despite claims made by some manufacturers.


  1. Subsistence allowance: Diets that disrupt hormonal balance should be approached with caution. The HCG diet, which involves consuming only 500 calories a day along with HCG hormone products, can disrupt hormone balance and negatively affect both the ovaries and thyroid.


  1. Sewing a patch on the tongue : There is also controversy over extreme methods such as sewing a patch on the tongue to induce pain when chewing and forcing a liquid diet. Although a loss of up to 9 kilos in one month has been reported, these practices are not a sensible replacement for surgical interventions such as gastric bypass. I recommend opting for safer, evidence-based strategies, approaching weight loss seriously and responsibly.
  1. Semaglutides and Tirzepatides such as Ozempic and Mounjaro : These are mainly prescribed to adults with type 2 diabetes that is not adequately controlled by diet and exercise alone. They belong to the class of drugs known as GLP-1 receptor agonists, which mimic the action of the hormone glucagon-like peptide-1. Both drugs fall into this category first in that they should be used only by patients with diabetes and under close supervision, especially since they can cause gastrointestinal side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can contribute to reduced food intake.

Second, through proper nutrition that includes complete protein and fiber, you naturally release the hormone GLP-1 or Glucagon Peptide 1.


  1. Specific training: Such as doing 100 sit-ups to lose abdominal fat.  The body doesn't work like that. 


Lose fat around your waist, but don't make these mistakes so that the techniques mentioned below are effective .

The myth that belly fat is simply stored energy that we can lose through exercise is a misconception. While it is true that a pound of fat is equivalent to 3,500 calories, the process is not as simple as spending seven hours in the gym burning those calories.

The body is more complex, with adaptations, metabolism, hormones and factors such as hunger, stress and age influencing fat storage or elimination. Belly fat, in particular, is often linked to elevated levels of insulin and cortisol. Sugar consumption in excess of daily needs that is not immediately used is known to be converted into fat, preferably in the abdominal area.

Rather than focusing solely on using exercise to burn belly fat, it's more effective to work on reversing insulin resistance. Exercise accounts for about 20% of fat loss, while diet can account for 50% to 90%. Additionally, stress management is critical, as it can account for 10% to 50% of fat loss for some people.

Exercise, especially muscle-activating exercise, can help lower blood sugar levels without involving insulin, making it a preventative tool against insulin resistance and belly fat accumulation. However, it's important not to fall into the trap of thinking that more exercise is better. Excessive exercise can increase the risk of injury, increase post-workout carbohydrate hunger, and prolong the activation of the stress hormone cortisol.

Finally, when trying to lose belly fat, it is crucial not to focus solely on weight or body fat, but on the overall health of the body. Maintaining a healthy balance of all of these factors is essential for optimal physical and mental performance, no matter your age.


Useful techniques as adjuvants to lose localized fat

A study published in the * American Journal of Physiology * notes that when people exercise in a fasted state, their bodies perform lipolysis, i.e. burn fat in a general way. However, the areas that are active during exercise benefit from a slightly greater burning of fat. ( 1 )

Before exploring techniques to lose "spot fat", it is crucial to understand that these must be complemented with healthy lifestyle habits and discipline, such as regular exercise or simply staying active, getting adequate rest, managing stress and following a balanced diet.

  1. Working out on an empty stomach : Working out on an empty stomach can make it easier to burn more fat, especially in the areas that are being stimulated by your workout. This is due to increased blood flow and body temperature. Whether you're strength training, jogging, jumping rope, or working your abdominal muscles, working out on an empty stomach can speed up this process.


  1. Consume apple cider vinegar before training : Apple cider vinegar can activate the MIR133A gene, which helps mobilize non-visible fat (visceral fat) near the liver, making it easier to burn. This product can increase thermogenesis – the process by which the body produces heat –, intensifying the use of fat as an energy source during fasted exercise. You do not need to consume large quantities; your goal is simply to optimize the body's efficiency in using fat.


  1. Increase Complete Protein Intake : A study published in the * American Journal of Clinical Nutrition * found that increasing protein intake by 30% resulted in a reduction in total caloric intake by 441 calories per day within the study group. About 35% of the protein consumed is used in the digestion and absorption processes, making it an effective tool for weight management.


  1. Diindolylmethane (DIM):
    1. DIM is produced by eating cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower.
    2. It helps modulate estrogen, reducing its excess, which can facilitate the loss of body fat, especially in women.


  1. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT):
    1. It has specific effects on metabolism, increasing heart rate and fat burning.
    2. It is effective in reducing visceral fat and can suppress appetite.
    3. However, it is crucial to control food intake and avoid post-workout caloric compensation.


  1. Activation of the lymphatic system :
    1. Fat mobilization is linked to the lymphatic system, which depends on muscle movement.
    2. Activities such as stretching and flexibility exercises can improve lymphatic flow.


  1. Reduce or avoid alcohol consumption as much as possible:
    1. The process of metabolizing alcohol in the body interferes with the burning of other energy sources.
    2. It may promote the conversion of androgen to estrogen and has implications for hormonal health. ( Report )


  1. Reduce fructose consumption :
    1. Eating fruit in moderation is recommended because excess fructose is metabolized in the liver and can be stored as fat in the waist area.
    2. If you are going to eat fruit, try not to consume more than 20 grams a day and try to choose red fruits with a low glycemic index, such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries or blackberries, mainly.



In conclusion, opt for a healthy approach based on scientific evidence.

For healthy body fat management, it is essential to take a balanced approach that includes:

- A nutritious and balanced eating plan.

- Regular exercise that combines strength and cardiorespiratory training.

- Strategies to reduce stress, as this can influence the accumulation of fat, especially in the abdominal area.

The human body reacts to stimuli. If you feed it healthy food, exercise it, provide it with adequate rest and control stress, it responds. When fat has been accumulated for a long time, it also takes time to mobilize by applying the strategies mentioned above, but with perseverance it can be achieved.



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