Secuencias de calentamiento y enfriamiento

Warm-up and cool-down sequences

Sun salutations are a fluid sequence of twelve postures performed as an exercise. They benefit the strengthening and flexibility of the muscles as well as the spine.

Each posture is the opposite of the previous one, stretching the body in a different way that contracts and expands the spine, muscles and chest to regulate breathing. A series of Surya Namaskar involves 2 sequences of asanas or postures that are repeated first with the right foot and then with the left.

Four yoga-based stretches useful after exercise

Tones the back muscles and maintains the elasticity of the spine, improving posture and increasing vitality.

The longer you can hold this pose, the slower your metabolism will be, the clearer your mind will be, and the calmer you will become. The pose makes your ankles, knees, and hips more flexible. It benefits the nerves in your legs.

With Hastha Padasana the legs are rotated slightly and stretched with the help of the weight of the body as the torso leans forward. Avoid stretching the legs too much by putting the hands in front and moving forward little by little as the muscles relax.

It helps to make the spine more flexible and stretch the hamstrings. The posture should be held on one side and then rotate, change legs

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