La termoterapia: efectos similares a los del ejercicio para la salud del corazón y todo el organismo

Thermotherapy: Exercise-like effects on heart and body health

Many studies show that frequent use of thermotherapy, whether in the form of a sauna, temazcal or Inipi, (4-7 times per week at a temperature of 79ºC/174ºF for at least 20 minutes) is associated with a 50% reduction in fatal heart disease, 60% reduction in the risk of sudden cardiac death, 51% reduction in the risk of stroke and 46% reduction in the risk of hypertension.

These are encouraging figures, since through a simple and, in some cases, traditional practice, conditions that burden many older people can be prevented, stopped and even improved.

According to the research and experiments of Dr. Rhonda Patrick , thermotherapy is a procedure that has been proven to have an anti-aging effect (due to its ability to trigger autophagy in the body) as well as in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and other diseases that occur with age.

Since the 1980s, experiments have been conducted on nearly 1,000 people in Finland to identify how thermotherapy and its modalities improve overall health. ( Kuopio )

For example, men with some type of heart condition who used the sauna 2-3 times per week for 20 minutes reduced their risk of sudden cardiac death by 22% . Men who used the sauna 4-7 times per week for 20 minutes reduced this risk by 63% , compared to men who used it only once a week.

Another variable that must be taken into account is the time that the person remains inside the sauna, Inipi or temazcal. People who were there for up to 11 minutes had a 7% decrease in their cardiovascular risk, while those who were there for more than 20 minutes had a 50% decrease in the risk of sudden cardiac death. Of course, other factors were taken into account, such as cholesterol levels, triglycerides, hypertension, socioeconomic status and physical activity.

In addition to sudden cardiac death, death from coronary heart disease and fatal heart disease were studied. Men who used the sauna 2-3 times per week had a 23% decrease in coronary heart disease and other heart-related diseases. In men who used thermotherapy 7 times per week, there was a 43% decrease in mortality risk, compared to men who only used this procedure once a week.

As for cardiovascular mortality, the rates are more or less the same: 20% decrease in men who used thermotherapy 2-3 times per week, 50% decrease in men who used it 4-7 times per week.

Thermotherapy helps reduce the risk of stroke in both men and women

According to the Finnish Kuopio follow-up study to observe the incidence of ischemic heart disease (reduced blood flow to the heart), it was found that the use of thermotherapy positively affected the risk of stroke. This suggests that using thermotherapy or its modalities such as sauna, Inipi or temazcal 2-3 times per week as occurred in the experiments, may present a 14% decrease in stroke risk. Even better, using this modality 4-7 times per week may result in a 60% decrease in stroke, in both men and women compared to people who in the experiment only used it once per week.

Thermotherapy also has an effect on hypertension

It should be added that thermotherapy has consistently been shown to have beneficial effects on hypertension. Again, the most compelling benefits are seen when using thermotherapy modalities 4-7 times per week as it shows a 50% reduction in the risk of hypertension.

Using the Finnish sauna just once for 30 minutes has been able to lower blood pressure and improve arterial elasticity.

The Finnish sauna is dry but not completely: it is a dry enclosure like the Inipi and the temazcal with hot stones onto which water is poured in order to maintain a temperature of 79ºC or higher and a humidity of 10-20% which makes it feel hotter.

There are other types of thermotherapy, such as the far-infrared dry sauna, also known as Waon therapy. It is not as hot as the other types, as the temperature is around 60ºC, the duration is at least 45 minutes, and the frequency of use is once a day for 2-3 weeks.

Several studies, including one published in the International Journal of Cardiology, show the effects of Waon therapy in the management of patients with coronary heart disease and ischemia:

Coronary heart disease : improvement in endurance, heart size, and disease status.

Coronary ischemia : improvement in vascular endothelial function. (Endothelial dysfunction is like the previous step to atherosclerosis, which is the infiltration of fats in the walls of the arteries)

How does thermotherapy or stress caused by extreme heat have all these benefits on the human body?

Anyone who is physically active knows that body temperature increases with activity and eventually, sweating occurs. When sitting in the sauna or Inipi, several effects occur that are physiologically similar to those activated by exercise.

What typically happens is that your skin temperature increases, the direction of blood flow from your organs to your skin changes as 50-70% of the blood is redirected to your skin, and you start to sweat. Your heart rate increases to 150 beats per minute, which corresponds to moderate physical activity, stroke volume remains the same, but cardiac output does increase by 60-70%.

A study published in June 2019 in the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine found that blood pressure and heart rate during a 25-minute sauna session corresponded to cardiac responses during dynamic, sub-maximal resistance exercise (say, a 25-minute workout on a stationary bike at a resistance of 100 watts).

This means that both during a sauna session and during a physical training session, the heart rate increases. Immediately after a sauna or physical activity, the heart rate and blood pressure decrease.

Just one session of Finnish sauna decreased heart rate, increased heart rate variability (improved ability of the heart to respond under stress conditions) and parasympathetic activity which conserves energy by decreasing heart rate, and increased glandular and intestinal activity.

The long-term effects of thermotherapy

Improvement in blood pressure

Endothelial function (maintains vascular health)

Arterial elasticity is a marker of cardiovascular disorders

Function of the left ventricle (which pushes blood into the aorta artery that carries blood to most of the body).

Long-term thermotherapy increases longevity

In the Kuopio study mentioned above, in addition to heart disease, the incidence of age-related diseases such as cancer, respiratory tract infections, Alzheimer's and senile dementia was observed. It was concluded that people who practiced thermotherapy 2-3 times a week had a 20% reduction in the risk of these diseases and people who did it 4-7 times a week had a 40% reduction compared to those who used it only once a week.

The role of stress proteins or heat shock proteins in preventing disease and avoiding muscle mass loss

Heat shock proteins have several functions, and one of them is to maintain the three-dimensional structure of proteins within cells. This is key to optimal protein function, whether it is to create red blood cells, synapses (neuronal connections), or to keep white blood cells functioning properly.

This three-dimensional protein structure regulates the life cycles of cells and degrades waste when they no longer function. If this protein waste is not degraded, protein aggregation occurs, which can be dangerous when it comes to preventing diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntington's. Therefore, heat shock proteins have a very important function in the sense of preventing degenerative diseases.

Heat shock proteins also help slow muscle atrophy. A study published earlier this year showed that people with a leg injury and immobilization were given thermotherapy, which increases the production of heat shock proteins. After a month, they had 37% less muscle atrophy compared to people who did not use the therapy.

Heat shock proteins and their effect on human longevity

Remember that these proteins not only react when the body is exposed to heat, but also to exercise, fasting, and polyphenols (substances present in fruits, vegetables, nuts, cocoa, tea, and olive oil, among others).

It has been shown that in healthy individuals, the use of thermotherapy (sauna, Inipi, temazcal) for about 30 minutes at a temperature of at least 79ºC, increases their heat shock proteins by 50% . Once these levels have been raised, they remain elevated for about 48 hours.

Likewise, people who have already adapted to heat through frequent sauna use or who are active may increase their heat shock proteins sooner under heat stress and more consistently.

Thermotherapy reduces inflammation

Multiple studies have pointed out the involvement of inflammation in the aging process and in age-related diseases. The European Journal of Epidemiology points out that, in this regard, thermotherapy decreases C-reactive protein, while increasing anti-inflammatory biomarkers such as IL-10 (Interleukin 10, which prevents damage by pathogens and maintains tissue balance and stability).

Other benefits of thermotherapy

  • Optimizes brain function
  • Increases the production of endorphins
  • Just one exposure to thermotherapy has antidepressant effects that last for several weeks.
  • Heavy metals such as cadmium and mercury are excreted more efficiently through perspiration than through urine.
  • There is an added benefit to exercise, a healthy diet, intermittent fasting, and thermotherapy in that it increases mitochondrial function. See how in my article on mitochondria.

For whom thermotherapy is recommended

It is safe and well tolerated by people in good health, as well as for patients with stable heart disease.

It is suitable for people who cannot perform physical activity or who have been sedentary for a long time.

For people with hypertension

Be sure to rehydrate after using thermotherapy or any of its modalities.


It is not advisable for patients with recent myocardial infarction, unstable angina pectoris, or severe aortic stenosis.

Elderly people prone to hypotension.

People who consume alcohol frequently.



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